I’ve been researching the leadership style of Ben Zander, the orchestra conductor , as he is coming to talk at Leaders in London (logo above is a link) in November.
Came across this story that Zander tells:
“The near-mythical orchestra conductor Herbert von Karajan was reputed to have jumped into a taxi outside the opera house and shouted to the driver, “Hurry, hurry!” “Very good, sir,” said the driver. “Where to?” “It doesn’t matter,” said von Karajan impatiently. “They need me everywhere!” SOURCE: Ben and Rosamund Zander, from their book The Art of Possibility. Sound like any managers you know? You, maybe? What, not even a little bit? Spend a couple of minutes on the story from Ben Zander, below, for some insight into how making yourself dispensable rather than indispensable actually energizes your people to take the lead themselves.
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