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The Leadership Crash Course

Part of the purpose of this blog is to save you time as I read leadership books for you, find and select the best bits, then distil them. That’s the principle behind the whole 60 Second Leader thing.

In the spirit of letting me dig out the gems for you (hey, I’ve just realized that means I do all the hard work. Oh well, too late now…) here’s the 60 Second version of a book I’ve just mined as part of my research for the 60 Second Leader development system.

It’s The Leadership Crash Course by Paul Taffinder.

If you’re the methodical type and into self-assessments you might like this book. I found it slow-going, I’m afraid. But there are these four sharp insights in it:

Leadership is not always intentional
A brilliant observation.

A Quick Win can be a Slow Death…
…if you railroad it through so people feel it’s imposed on them rather than a change they had a hand in deciding on.

Leaders break rules. It’s their job.
Absolutely. Your job is NOT to enforce rules, it’s to let people break them where they need breaking.

Leaders are masters AND servants
As we all are, of course. Most forget the second bit and lord it with the first bit.

End of 60 Second book report.

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