I bought this book – The New Culture of Desire, by Melinda Davis – because I was tempted by the big Tom Peters endorsement of it and because the author was presented as the brains behind the futurist Faith Popcorn. I have a lot of respect for Faith Popcorn, so bought the book. Turns out Faith Popcorn is the brains behind Faith Popcorn. There is some good thinking in this book, but the hype – the attempt to coin new marketing buzzwords in particular – shrouds it too well. Don’t bother buying it. I extracted the best bit, a list of how consumers are different today and what they want, and summarised it in The Customer Blog entry for March 13, 2007. You can find it over there. It’s worth a look.
The New Culture of Desire by Melinda Davis
May 3rd, 2007 | Books | 0 Comments
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